Lucy Tomkins | All Points North

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Meet Lucy Tomkins

Lucy Tomkins is an ICF- and BALM-accredited Family Recovery Life Coach and the founder of Family Recovery UK. After 25 years of self-development and having experienced the impact of addiction both as a mother and a wife, Lucy volunteered as a support worker with an addiction charity. She later qualified as a Family Recovery Life Coach and started Family Recovery UK in 2017.

Lucy is now fulfilling her passion and purpose to raise awareness around the importance of recovery for the whole family. Her approach helps families reclaim their lives and support their loved ones as they find a path to recovery. Lucy specifically designed her program to give families the education, support, skills, tools, and community to start to heal from the impact of addiction. Together, they work toward a positive outcome as individuals and as a family.

Background and Education

Lucy Tomkins has pursued many training and certification courses to continue to meet the needs of families struggling with addiction, including:

  • International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach
  • Certified BALM Family Recovery Coach
  • The Voyage, Trauma Recovery Training
  • The Centre for Non-Violent Communication Foundation Course
  • Gabor Mate Healing Trauma and Addiction Training
  • CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training)

Lucy has traveled extensively and enjoys playing tennis and bridge, e-biking, and walking. She is a dedicated Wim Hoffer and gets into her ice bath every morning!