Meet Dr. Nikki Davis
Dr. Nikki (Nicole) Davis is a licensed psychologist who has been practicing in South Florida since 2005. Her areas of specialization are the treatment of PTSD and complex trauma, attachment issues in adult relationships, empathy fatigue and burnout in professionals, and addictive behaviors. She has extensive experience with these issues in various contexts, including forensic and residential treatment settings, crisis response teams, community mental health and foster care agencies, outpatient group practice, and independent practice.
Dr. Davis uses a relational approach in her work, rooted in the belief that the therapeutic relationship is an essential container for growth. She firmly believes that there is no one right path to wellness and that by cultivating nonjudgmental awareness and self-compassion, we can discover our own inherent wisdom that can guide us to and along that path. To that end, Dr. Davis utilizes an eclectic lens that synthesizes her psychodynamic roots, IFS and somatic concepts, yoga philosophy and practices, and other mindfulness-based interventions. She trained intensively in mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and these evidenced-based practices inform her work. She frequently consults with other mental health providers regarding case conceptualization and ethical/risk management concerns.
Dr. Davis graduated with honors from the University of Florida with degrees in psychology and criminal justice before earning her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and Juris Doctorate from Widener University. Her passion for true crime, unending love for learning new things, cherished time with family, and newly discovered propensity for gardening take up the time she spends outside her clinical practice.