In need of some short, relatable recovery-focused motivation? Here are five Ted Talks that withstand the test of time and offer insight and inspiration to help you lean into recovery.
Amy Cuddy – “Fake it Till You Make It”
Amy Cuddy, PhD, a social psychologist, author, and motivational speaker, introduces the idea of “power posing.” Cuddy’s 2012 Ted Talk is based on her own scientific research and discusses body language and how we can improve our own perception of ourselves, or “fake it till you become it.” Dr. Cuddy shares a personal testimony about bouncing back from tragedy. In active addiction and in recovery, we rise from the depths of despair — recovery builds resilience.
Johann Hari – “Everything You Think You Know About Addiction is Wrong”
British and Swiss writer and journalist, Johann Hari, extracts pivotal research from the 1970s study, known widely as “Rat Park.” Hari delivers an eye-opening reflection and proposes that “the opposite of addiction is connection.” The isolation we may experience in active addiction can be mitigated through reliance upon our community. Some recovery programs use the phrase WE can recover, meaning recovery is a collective effort requiring a strong support group. When we can establish a feeling of community and bonding, we can build recovery capital and fortify our support network for better recovery odds.
Brené Brown — “The Power of Vulnerability”
In this heart-centered, humorous discussion from TEDxHouston, Dr. Brené Brown reveals the power of vulnerability. She shares that self-awareness affects how we relate to the external world and our relationship with our most authentic selves. Courage, as Brown points out, is the pathway to a happy and fulfilling life. The recovery journey is one that often requires courage to be vulnerable, willing, and prepared to face adversity head-on. Out of the depths of darkness, we emerge free.
Gabor Maté — “The Power of Addiction and the Addiction of Power”
Dr. Gabor Maté is a renowned author and Canadian physician specializing in childhood development and trauma. In his TEDxRio+20 talk on addiction, Dr. Maté eloquently proposes the Buddhist idea of “hungry ghosts” — he shares how humans have an insatiable need to fill a void, like an addicted individual’s constant chase to get high. Maté encourages us all to “find your nature and be nice to yourself.”
Chris Herren — “The Game Has Changed”
In his TEDxUMassAmherst talk on addiction, former Boston Celtics player, Chris Herren, went from hoop to heroin. In the process, he lost his career, his family, and his will to live. Many people in our community can relate to the often-tedious road to recovery. Herren’s transparency and mission to share his experience with others make him the real comeback kid. This confession truly embodies the meaning of “keep coming back.” Keep the tissues handy for this one!
Recovery is ongoing, and these five Ted Talks provide a springboard to self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. We recovery together through a series of small choices and big challenges, so it’s important to build a library of resources to help you center, refocus, and remind yourself of where you’ve been, where you are, and where you plan on going.
If you are ready to pursue treatment and you need support, we’re here to help. At All Points North Lodge, we use a range of evidence-based healing modalities including individual therapy, group therapy, cutting-edge technologies, and comprehensive support for anyone struggling with addiction, mental health issues, and trauma. Get started with your healing journey today and contact us by phone at 855-510-4585 or via to get started.