14 Great Behavioral Health Instagram Accounts

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14 Great Behavioral Health Instagram Accounts

by Tommy Carreras

While social media can surely be a form of escapism at times, it is also one of the best ways to stay connected to free encouragement, information, and resources.

Here are some of the best behavioral health Instagram accounts to follow so you can strengthen your recovery and improve your mental health.

14 Great Behavioral Health Instagram Accounts

Mental Health


Andrew Huberman, Ph.D.

Dr. Huberman’s goal is to make the best scientific research in the world free and accessible to anyone. As a researcher, he consistently provides in-depth study results on the neurochemical hardware of our brains, and always includes clear, actionable “protocols” that anyone can follow to utilize our brain chemistry in the most effective, efficient way possible. For anyone healing from the disease of addiction or a neurochemical imbalance, Dr. Huberman’s research can be an indispensable tool for rebuilding the healthiest brain and body possible.


Dr. Caroline Leaf

Dr. Leaf is one of the most popular cognitive neuroscientists in the world. She has done extensive research on mind management and how to use the “Neurocycle” to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and toxic thinking. She keeps her feed lighthearted with consistent humor, informs followers with scientific deep dives, and also offers easily doable lifestyle changes and habits that will improve your mental health.


Nate Postlethwait

Daily quotes from Nate Postlethwait will help you stay aware of all the ways the pain of your childhood might still be affecting you. Some posts are educational, some are reassuring and enlightening, and some are highly practical and will challenge you to act in a new way to find healing.


Dr. John Delony

Although he is a double Ph.D. in psychology and counseling, Dr. John is relatable, easy to understand, and compelling to follow. His advice and guidance always come back to his own journey with crippling anxiety and burnout, and he openly shares his personal ups and downs with followers. His consistent refrain is that loneliness kills, meaningful connection is most of the answer, and no one is doomed to stay where they are.


Kristin Neff, Ph.D.

Dr. Neff is a pioneer of what she calls fierce self-compassion, which can serve as a catalyst for your recovery journey. Self-compassion promotes self-kindness vs. self-judgment, common humanity vs. isolation, and mindfulness vs. over-identification. She argues that self-compassion is a foundation not just for healthy self-care, but for the effective care of others as well.


Matthias James Barker, LMHC

Matthias’s Instagram is one of the most relatable and encouraging accounts you can follow to improve your mental health. Focusing on positive psychology, healthy relationships, and taking tangible steps toward what’s meaningful (even if it means facing hardship along the way), he creates longer videos that give extensive detail and insight into important topics like trauma, defense mechanisms, and coping strategies for stress and anxiety.


All Points North

APN is dedicated to your recovery, mental health, and physical wellness, and knows that all three are inextricably intertwined! You’ll find practical ideas for healthier habits and education from mental health experts and practitioners that provide essential strategies for becoming and staying mentally healthy. Bonus: follow APN Lodge’s adorable future therapy dog, Hope on her account at @apnhope.

Codependency and Relationships in Recovery


Nedra Glover Tawwab

While not specifically focused on recovery, Nedra is one of our foremost experts on a necessary tool for anyone in recovery: boundaries. She gives thorough and insightful education about how to navigate challenging or tenuous relationships, but her greatest gift to followers has to be the lists of examples, phrases, and real-life situations to be on the lookout for. Her advice is easily reproducible in everyday life and highly accessible to anyone who wants to have the healthiest relationships possible.


Cristina Guerra

Cristina provides a treasure trove of information, guidance, and help for both recovering addicts in relationships and anyone in a relationship with a recovering addict. She covers addiction education, practical relationship advice, opportunities to connect with like-minded people, and dense posts packed with content.


Al-Anon Wife

@alanonwife shares helpful content from many sources, including refreshing humor, expert advice, and personal experiences. She sheds much-needed light on how challenging and important it is to stay healthy as a friend, spouse, or family member of someone in recovery.



1,000 Hours Dry (The Dry Club)

@1000hoursdry is a wealth of resources and information to help you stay strong in recovery and connect with others. Consistent carousels provide practical and timely tips for the nitty-gritty details of navigating sobriety.


Recovery Revival

As one of the largest recovery accounts, @recoveryrevival serves as an impressive storehouse of videos covering the tough realities of a life of recovery and trauma healing. They approach challenging topics and consistently reinforce the fact that addiction is a disease that always has underlying causes.


Recovery Rockstars

@recoveryrockstars is solely dedicated to elevating the incredible, inspiring stories of everyday people in recovery. Whether they are days, months, or years into their recovery journey, their stories serve as encouraging reminders that no one in recovery is alone, and anyone is capable of starting a new chapter in their lives.


Jen Hirst

Jen is the founder of “Living Zero Proof” and is on a mission to educate and advocate in order to end the stigma surrounding addiction by “recovering out loud.” She takes a holistic approach to recovery, bringing in elements of neuroscience, nutrition, fitness, and relationships. As a mother, she also is very transparent about raising kids with a healthy view of sobriety and recovery.

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