Winning Against All Odds: Creating a Life of Sobriety, Happiness, & Success
APN is proud to present our Virtual Speaker Series – an initiative to equip our clients and community with a wide variety of resources in mental health, addiction, and trauma recovery.
About Kevin
Kevin Parker dealt with major depression, anxiety, and heavy drug addiction for almost a decade. After overdose, multi-organ failure, and so much more, he realized he needed to make a drastic change. Now, he is here to tell his story. Kevin’s never-ending journey of learning new techniques and strategies so that he can pass them along to his clients is what makes him, and his clients win against all odds in this crazy game we call life.
Kevin graduated from the College of Staten Island with a major in Psychology. Kevin holds certifications in Recovery Coaching, Drug Interventions, Family Coaching, Sober Companionship, Nutritional Coaching, Fitness, and Neuroscience through The Addictions Academy and for the past five years, Kevin has been working in the self-development and recovery fields.