APN Speaker Series with Jerusha Greenwald | All Points North

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Free Virtual Events from APN

APN Speaker Series with Jerusha Greenwald

APN x Jerusha Greenwald

My Life In Eleven Letters

APN is proud to present our Virtual Speaker Series – an initiative to equip our clients and community with a wide variety of resources in mental health, addiction, and trauma recovery. In this installation of the Speaker Series, Jerusha Greenwald shares her inspiring story of learning how to embrace herself and grow from a painful past.

About Jerusha

Jerusha Greenwald shares her experience with abandonment and how different life events led her to rewrite her story on her own terms through a lens of empowerment. In sharing her story, Jerusha invites us all to reflect on how we’ve grown as a result of the adversity we’ve faced throughout life.

Combining her love for social media, branding, business, and content creation, Jerusha launched JG Media Marketing with the objective to help other businesses maximize their efforts within the Social Media Marketing industry. With over 30k followers on Instagram, she has marketed for clients across all industries and created content for brands like Victoria’s Secret, Direct Auto Insurance, Lyft, and Wyndham.


Jess Johnson

Content Marketing Manager

As a fierce proponent of mental health services, Jess believes in the compassionate care and person-centered approach at All Points North. She works to create content that inspires clients and families to advocate for the support they deserve.